How a Spiritually-Minded Clinical Psychologist with Training in Acupuncture and Homeopathy Helps Clients Heal and Grow

Dr. Prickett’s Mind-Body Approach to Psychotherapy and Counseling  By Jeffrey L. Prickett, Psy.D., A.P, CCH, RSHom(NA) Choosing a psychotherapist can be a daunting task. There are many approaches, each with its focus, strengths, and weaknesses, and each person seeking psychological services has their own set of needs and hopes. Finding the right match can be…

Learning From Your Child’s Play

Learning From your Child’s Play Watching your child at play can give you insights into their world and who they are becoming. First, it is essential to always have in mind the child’s age and current situation. For example, a child with attention problems who builds a war scene could be playing out conflicts in…


Doing well in school is critical to a child’s self esteem and can have a big influence on how the child does later in life. Rather than thinking of themselves as smart, successful, and accomplished, they may identify themselves with the rebellious children and end up involved in drugs, alcohol, or premature sexual activity. Following…

Coping with Tragedy by John Tatum MD

How are you handling the recent shooting tragedy in Orlando? There has been a great outpouring of support, money, and service to the victims, and service in ways I would never have imagined. For example, my teenage granddaughter has signed up to take care of pets of the victims, and she is working with her…